it might be so much pressure - i might be nervous. what if i’m not hard during it?
a couple of extraneous things definitely contribute to a hard dick. it might seem obvious, but make sure you get enough sleep the night before. eat meals before events, too - not huge meals, but don’t deprive yourself of nutrients. a cock ring could help (get fitted for one at a local sex shop). and viagra, cialis or levitra might give you a needed boost - or a natural alternative (again, available at sex shops).
on the other hand, you can actually have a lot of fun without an erect cock. if you really sit down and think about it, there is a lot you can do in sex play without your penis. i'm not suggesting you leave it at home, but i do think that a dick isn't the only thing that defines a man sexually.
ok - i think i can do this. tell me more about ALL MALE PARTIES
wait - i'm like some other people, too. take me back to their concerns.