if you ABSOLUTELY can't send pictures, i am willing to meet with you in person, for up to one hour. i normally bill my time at $220/hour, and i want you to understand that i would be taking time from my work to do this for you. as such, i would request a minimum donation of $100 cash for our meeting, even if it is for less than the hour (we can be done in 20 minutes, or 40 minutes; it can vary). here are my terms:
- i would need to meet with you in a private location, which i may ask you to provide.
- you would need to get completely undressed.
- during this time together, you may ask me questions about the events.
- to prevent potential embarrassment, at that time i will not give you an answer, as to whether you are, or are not, cleared for events. instead, you will get an email from me within 24 hours of our meeting.
- if i need to travel to you, i will expect reimbursement for my travel expenses, which range from $20-$60 for the dc/md/va metropolitan area.
or wait - perhaps you are ok about sending me photos, but you just don't like the ones you currently have.
i can take some new pictures of you. they can be partially or completely naked pics of you, with or without your face showing. a photo shoot like this would give me the opportunity to see you, so in fact you wouldn't need to send me images. instead, i would give them to you electronically (and delete them on my computer.) these would be photos that you could send out to people who you might want to connect with in the future. click here for more info on this.